About Anne

About Ann-Margaret (Anne) Broughton


As an independent practice Matt + Zen Law Limited was founded in Auckland in 2021, the principal having previously practiced in property, immigration and commercial law in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch since first working as a Barrister and Solicitor in the 1990s. Being exposed to a formative education and living in Singapore and Malaysia with her Asian family during the 1970s and into the 1980s, as well as family military connections, the principal was also fortunate to have travelled as a child extensively through a number of countries such as America, Singapore, India, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, China and Russia, and this sparked an interest in travel, migrant law, and trade. The principal also has business and familial attachments in America and the Netherlands, and has spent time over the years in these countries as well. Some of her extended family, are members of the American Bar Association, including US Judiciary, and share an interest in American law.

As well as working for commercial and immigration multi-national firms such as KPMG Legal and Fragomen, the principal also has extensive public sector experience working in senior advisory roles in NZ Parliament directly to Ministers of the Crown, including Business, Building and Housing, Immigration and has assisted in briefings to Prime Ministers, the preparation of cabinet papers and policy documents and providing advice to members on the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee for a number of years. She has also been a lead advisor and selected to draft complex legislation with the prestigious and intellectually stimulating Parliamentary Counsel Office in areas from Tax and Charities to corporate manslaughter. She has assisted to develop legal precedents, and has worked as in-house legal counsel, so successfully assists members of the public and businesses in their dealings with government.

Some of her career highlights include working with the Law Reform, Human Rights and Charities Commission in both constitutional, public and international law matters. She has in addition worked as research counsel for judiciary and Queen’s Counsel providing legal advice and preparing briefs, and court submissions for the High and Supreme Courts, and professionally engaged to assist on Supreme Court matters by former senior law associates of Chen Palmer – Law; statutory interpretation, litigation. The principal has also worked directly to former NZ Police Commissioners, working in conjunction with US authorities and current associates of the practice include former NZ CIB Police staff, now leading investigation companies able to work on complex criminal and immigration matters nationwide.

As of recent the principal and her team are involved in providing legal advice in finance, business, tax, residential and commercial property, body corporates, tenancy law, real estate, immigration and investment. She has provided legal advice to Directors of Companies, including some of the largest private land and real estate developers in NZ, advised on overseas investments, and companies both private and publicly listed to assist in diversification. In regards to immigration and investment, her team are able to act on behalf of clients overseas and in NZ. The principal would often visit Hong Kong during the 2000s to connect with NZ and overseas barred practitioners working in US multinational law firms. She has a number of complimentary testimonials from all whom have known her.

Having travelled extensively and with familial connections to America and Asia, the principal can easily traverse and build bridges between East meets West, including joint ventures between international and NZ parties. If there is a legal matter, which requires oversight of NZ domestic and international law, immigration or property matters – please call for an initial free consultation.